Dan Liris has provides a variety of training programs in sewing and knitting skills focused solely on women to provide them with empowering professional opportunities.

Some of the most recent training programs have take place in Semanggi, Tlingsing, Cawas, Klaten and Boyolali in Central Java. During these training programs women learn how to operate professional sewing and knitting equipment under the expertise of Dan Liris’ experienced training staff. The training spans the safe use of the machine as well as garment production techniques that the participants can then use for creating home industry ventures as well as applying for jobs at Dan Liris or other textile manufacturers.

The Garment Division of Dan Liris has carried out a number of CSR activities over Q3 2020.

Beginning with the Preparation Unit in July 2020, CSR was carried out in the form of providing sanitation facilities and toilets for Mrs. Mudiyem, a Preparation Unit employee who lives in Pajang, Surakarta.


This was followed by CSR activities undertaken by Sewing Units 1A and 1B, by providing working capital assistance in the form of livestock, specifically goats, for Mrs. Sri Handayani, one of the Sewing 1A and 1B employees, in August 2020, in the Sawit area, Boyolali.

The next CSR activity within the Garment Division was undertaken by Sewing Units 2A, 2B and 2C, in the form of house and bathroom renovations. This took place in Juwiring, Klaten, in September 2020 for Mrs. Sri Wahyuni, an employee of Sewing Unit 2A, 2B and 2C.


This series of CSR activities by the Garment Division was capped off with the provision of working capital assistance by the Finishing / Packing Unit which was offered in the form of goats in October 2020, in the Sawit area, Boyolali for Mrs. Sri Mulyani, an employee of the Finishing/Packing Unit.

All of these CSR activities are aimed at helping to improve the standard of living to the benefit of our staff and their families.